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    카테고리 없음 2022. 9. 12. 19:54

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    The wall material of thermally expandable microcapsules TEMs is a thermoplastic polymer, and the core material is the low boiling-point alkane. When the microcapsule is heated to a certain temperature, the core material vaporizes to produce internal pressure, and the microsphere shell begins to soften and expand after reaching the wall material transition temperature, thus obtaining the three-dimensional size978. This article with n-hexane as the core material, acrylonitrile, methyl methacrylate, methyl methacrylate as monomer polymerization of wall materials, thermal expansion can be synthesized by suspension polymerization method microcapsules. The structure and performance of the prepared thermally expanded microcapsules were characterized by scanning electron microscope SEMlaser particle size analyzer PSDAthermal dilatometer DILand thermogravimetric analyzer TGetc. Furthermore, the performance of thermal expansion microcapsules with different sizes was compared so as to optimize the synthesis process, and then size978 specific practical applications of thermal expansion microcapsules were developed. Keywords• Thermal expansion microcapsules• Small particle size• Physical foaming• Suspension size978 Hai, F.size978 al. : Influence of electrolytes on thermal expansion microcapsules. Macromol. Sci. A 56 1104—114 2019• Yasuhiro, K.Yosuke, I.Kenjiro, O. : Effects of...

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